Contact Us at Welder Service
We’re Toledo’s source for quality welding gases, supplies and equipment.
101 Arco Drive
Toledo, Ohio, 43607
(Near the corner of Hill and Byrne)
(419) 535-WELD (9353)
Stop by our office and showroom during business hours:
Monday – Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Contact us! Let us know what you need, and we’ll be in touch quickly:

Email: More of an email kind of person? No problem. Send any questions or requests to us; we’ll go the extra mile to be certain they’re answered to your satisfaction. Our address is:
You can also email us directly:
- Steve Homrighaus:
- Linda:
- John:
- Catherine Homrighaus:
Give us a call at (419) 535-WELD (9353). To place an order today, talk to a knowledgeable and helpful customer service representative or just ask a question, call us. Welder Service offers a wide range of industrial supplies to help your company streamline ordering. Contact our knowledgeable staff today to answer any of your questions or for an up-to-date, competitive quote on any of our quality products.